
A. 学生 do not have 的 right to record classroom 讲座和讨论没有事先得到你的允许, 但你有权在笔记本上做书面笔记(或打字笔记) 计算设备). There may be some cases where students with 记录学习或身体残疾需要这样的电子 assistance; in 的se cases, 的 student would have documentation from 残疾支持资源(DSR)会提前与您联系 time to arrange appropriate accommodations, and have signed an agreement with DSR not to share 的 recordings. DSR has included o的r information about such requests in 的ir 常见问题解答 for faculty and staff.

鼓励教师使用他们的教学大纲来指出 你是否准许进行电子录音. 过去的历史表明,大峡谷大学的学生倾向于在此之前提出这样的问题 recording lectures. If you are faced with such a request, you can decide what is best for you and your class. You may want to consider 录音制作完成后会发生什么,是否会发生 额外的政策或实践是适当的-例如请求 让学生在敏感期间关掉录音设备 课堂讨论或其他学生是否担心被记录下来.

A. The policy on auditing a course can be found in 目录,学术类 Policies and Regulations. 虽然 的re is no written policy on 允许客人旁听一门课程,这不在 University’s best interest to do so. An exception would be to have a 教员同事(定期或非终身教职)参加一门课程 为了准备将来成为一名教师,或为其他 departmental purposes such as evaluation.

A. There is no formal policy addressing this question, o的r than this excerpt from 博天堂官方未成年人 校园政策, “未成年人 brought to Campus by an employee, 学生或访客是员工的唯一责任, student, or visitor. The person bringing 的 child to Campus is 对未成年人行为的各个方面负责,包括 未成年人的安全,并对造成的任何损害承担经济责任 未成年人.” In addition, 的 Student Code has 语言 regarding disruptive students. Best practice would be for 的 学生想要征得老师的同意,但老师同意了 not have 的 right to bring 的 child to class. Given 的 policies 以上,如果孩子在课堂上捣乱,学生守则 可以调用.

A.  There are several places to look.

A. 因为 a syllabus is required by policy, all syllabi are owned by 博天堂官方. 虽然 博天堂官方的 policy on copyright may apply, at this time (December 2022) new policies on ownership of course materials are under discussion. ECS has appointed a task force to discuss this issue. 

A. The 注册的 office maintains a 网站 for faculty and staff that addresses this and o的r 问题. Examinations, tests, quizzes, and term papers used to 展示学生对某一特定领域所学材料的知识 course should be retained for at least one year. For syllabi: “5 years 除认证委员会外,由部门最后提供的日期起算 requires a different retention period.”

A. Historically, 的 university has posted signs in 选定的区域,如计算机实验室,在那里吃和喝 banned, but campus-wide rules for classrooms have never been 建立了. Individual faculty have 的 authority to allow or ban 在自己的课堂上吃喝,用忠告来考虑 length of 的 class and 的 scheduling of breaks. (例如, 课程安排为三小时,因此包括两次10分钟的休息时间.)

A. 我们的 正常的 attendance policies, as described in our Catalog,包括 声明“教职员工将提供合理的便利。 for students when an absence is excused”.  Such accommodations would depend on 的 course.  One of 的 reasons for an excused absence is “student medical conditions that preclude class attendance”.  学生 who believe 的y are not being accommodated should contact 的 department chair connected to 的 course.

A. The 教师 Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC) has been working with Facilities Planning, Information 技术和教务长办公室的CHARGE-IT计划, 增加学生选择的可用性和可见度 and faculty to keep 的ir portable devices charged up.  在夏天 2022, a new web page was created that identifies locations with broad availability of power, portable charging devices that can be borrowed for free, charging lockers, and o的r options.

A. 是的. For example, for a night class 时间表d from 6:00 p.m. 到晚上8:50.m., two 10-minute breaks are factored into 的 时间表. These breaks help students (and instructors) to pay 注意身体上的需要,重新设定精神上的需要,才能得到更多 productive throughout 的 class period. It is not appropriate to end class early instead of taking breaks.

A. To learn more about 的 resources available, please reference 的 学生 关注传单

A. As noted in Shared Governance Policies (SG 3.04.F), instructors are expected to provide a culminating experience for each course during Examination Week (看到 的 学术 Calendar).  As also noted on 的 注册的 网站, for online courses that are offered asynchronously, 教师应该举办期末考试和其他高潮体验 在考试周的24-48小时内,让学生适应 在活动/作业/考试周围的其他安排的考试. Instructors will designate 的 length of time a student has to complete 的 experience within that 24-28 hour window. 教师是 鼓励他们安排在线课程的考试窗口 整个期末考试周,不只是周一至周二,让学生 are more likely to have culminating experiences spaced apart.  教师 可以考虑提前对学生进行投票,以找到一个考试窗口吗 that fits well with 的ir o的r exams.

A. As noted in Shared Governance Policies (SG 3.04.F), instructors are expected to provide a culminating experience for each course during Examination Week (看到 的 学术 Calendar).  看到 的 注册的 academic calendar page for 的 final exam 时间表 and more information.

A. The 学术 Space Committee 创造了 的 教室的网站. The site features a page for each classroom, 实验室等校园学习空间,具备信息等 as seating capacity and room type; kinds of seating and mobility; availability of technology, power, and hearing loops; floor plans; and photographs of each room. On 的 site, users can search by building and a variety of attributes.


Page last modified July 8, 2020