Travel and Expense Management

FAQs   Contacts   Mileage   Resources   Relocation   
International Travel   Payment Options    Questions

If you have questions about Expenses, please visit our Expense FAQ page 

If you have questions about Travel, please visit our Travel FAQ page

View our Travel and Expense Guidelines or send an e-mail to [email protected]

Travel and Expense Quick Guide PDF Print Version

GVSU Contacts for Travel and Expense Questions

Expense Reports:


Booking Travel with Lightning / CTM Travel Agent:

Lightning System Administrator:


Expense & Declining Balance Cards:             

♦♦♦ NOTICE: Mileage Reimbursements changed to $0.67 per mile, effective January 1, 2024♦♦♦ 

Travel & Expense Resources

Relocation Expenses

Relocation Expenses cannot be processed in Workday. Please complete the Relocation Expense Form, get manual approvals, attach all receipts, and email everything to [email protected] for processing. 

Please note that all relocation expenses are taxable income by the IRS and will be reimbursed and taxed on a future payroll payment.

International Travel

Payment Options

Preferred Travel Payment Options:

  • Expense card: Intended for use if traveling more than twice a year or spending University funds regularly.  The cardholder should be used for all purchases and travel, including meals. Request an Expense card   
  • Declining Balance Card: Intended for access to cash and for one time use travel and expenses when an individual does not have an expense card or personal funds.  Request a Declining Balance Debit Card  
  • Personal Funds should only be used if an individual is not eligible for an expense card. 


Cash Advances will be very rarely handed out and will need to be authorized in advance by the Business Office with reasoning as to why one of the options below are not feasible. Please contact the Travel Team if you need to request an advance.
Travel advance requests in the form of a SVDC or Cash, along with the necessary forms can be found in section 311 of the Business & Finance Procedures.  


GVSU Travel & Reimbursement Desk
2015 James H. Zumberge Hall
Travel & Expense Reimbursement email: [email protected]

Page last modified October 2, 2024