BHSH Grant Program

密歇根州两所最大的机构已经创建了一个他们希望将成为全国解决护理人才严重短缺的典范. 来自Corewell Health(前身为BHSH System)和Grand Valley的领导者宣布了与BHSH Spectrum Health西密歇根护士学者计划的创新合作伙伴关系. 这种独特的合作伙伴关系将通过消除上大学的经济障碍和在西密歇根州Corewell健康中心就业的教育途径来增加护理人才的渠道. 

How does the BHSH Grant program work?


Apply for the BHSH Grant through GVSU's scholarship database

After graduation, 在Corewell Health西密歇根医院连续工作2年

Earn a Grant
Corewell Health West Michigan Employee
Laker for a Lifetime

Recipients of the BHSH Grant must agree to:

  • 在西密歇根州Corewell健康中心连续全职工作两年,在“住院环境”中担任注册护士
  • 注册护士(RN)的工作将在GVSU毕业后的六十(60)天内开始. Recipients will be required to apply, 在毕业后六十(60)天内,通过面试并被接受进入一个可用的注册护士职位,开始在Corewell Health西密歇根医院的住院设置工作
  • 如果未能完成课程,以偿还GVSU贷款的形式偿还赠款, terminates employment or drops below a 0.9 .在Corewell Health West Michigan完成两年的全职工作
  • 在传统的或加速的GVSU二级护理课程中保持令人满意的学术进步

Quick Facts

  • 24 new 2nd degree students each semester
  • 16 new traditional students each semester
  • 它是可更新的,所以学生不必每学期重新申请
  • Corewell Health为每位护士学者提供一位教练,帮助他们完成整个护理计划,并在Corewell Health West (CHW)过渡到实践。
  • Employment guaranteed at CHW after graduation
  • You are not automatically placed in a position.  Rather, 你将有机会在毕业时根据本票中列出的领域申请一个开放的职位
  • If terms of the program are not met, 补助金将转为必须偿还给GVSU的无息贷款

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you do not have to file a FAFSA to be eligible for bsh护士学者资助计划,尽管提交FAFSA是 always encouraged as you may be eligible for federal aid.

  • A student in the traditional nursing program will receive 5 semesters of a $4,000 grant, totaling $20,000
  • A student in the second degree nursing program will receive 4 semesters of a $5,000 grant, totaling $20,000

BHSH助学金将颁发给每一个符合条件的学生谁同意 在西密歇根州的Corewell健康中心连续工作了两年 住院病人设置(定义为急诊科,任何 inpatient nursing unit, surgical services (non-ambulatory sites), endoscopy, radiology and the cardiac catheterization lab) which 包括以下内容:Corewell Health Big Rapids Corewell Health Continuing Care, Corewell Health Gerber Memorial, Helen DeVos 儿童医院,科瑞威尔健康医院集团,科瑞威尔健康 Kelsey, Corewell Health Ludington医院,Corewell Health Pennock Hospital, Corewell Health Reed City Hospital, Corewell Health Greenville and Corewell Health Zeeland Community Hospital.

该学者将在Corewell Health West工作. 如果你感兴趣的领域没有职位空缺,你可以加入 the new graduate float pool. This will give you flexibility in your employment until a position in your area of interest opens up. During 这个时候在浮池中,你可能还会发现另一个区域 interests you!

BHSH助学金将颁发给每一个符合条件的学生谁同意 在香港中环医院住院部连续工作两年 其中包括以下内容:Corewell Health Big Rapids Corewell Health Continuing Care, Corewell Health Gerber Memorial, Corewell 健康医院dba Spectrum健康医院集团,Corewell Health Kelsey, Corewell Health Ludington医院,Corewell Health Pennock Hospital, Corewell Health Reed City Hospital, Corewell Health Greenville, Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital and Corewell Health Zeeland Community Hospital. Transfer to an entity outside of CHW, 包括Corewell Health East (Legacy Beaumont)或Corewell Health South (Legacy Lakeland), is a breach of the employment obligation

  • If you are unable to complete your employment obligation for any 原因,您可以申请临时休假完成 your employment obligation. You must communicate with Corewell 获得批准暂停雇佣义务.
  • If you do not complete your Corewell Health service obligation, 您收到的BHSH补助金将转换为您的贷款 must repay in full. For this reason, it is very important that you 充分理解BHSH补助金服务的条款和条件 obligation before you accept a BHSH Grant.

在GVSU向您支付BHSH补助金后,您可以取消所有补助金 或者通过通知GVSU你想要取消部分BHSH补助金 the grant within 14 days after the start of the semester. If you 通知GVSU您想要取消全部或部分BHSH补助金 在此时间范围内,您将被要求在 that time.

你的BHSH补助金将转为无息贷款,这将是 repaid to GVSU.

如果作为一名毕业护士被聘用到西密歇根州的Corewell Health (GN; 预许可),预计GN将成功获得 从密歇根州获得许可证,并过渡到注册护士角色 within 60 days of hire. The GN is removed from the GN role and transitioned to a Nurse Technician (NT) role:

(a) Upon failure of NCLEX within the 60-day period.

(b) At 60 days without completion of NCLEX examination

(c) Failure of the NCLEX two times will result in employment termination and conversion of the grant to a loan.

Yes! We would encourage you to apply for the grant even if you are already a Corewell Health employee.

An element of this program includes the partnership with a coach. The coach is a CHW Registered Nurse (RN) with minimally one year experience. In your first semester, you are partnered with a coach. Your coach will remain the same for the duration of your academic program. Your coach, who you will meet with for 1-2 hours per month, 会在你的学术课程中提供支持吗 为您准备体验式学习机会 for your transition in practice at CHW.

体验式学习的机会是为了帮助你 your transition into practice. They are not intended to be cumbersome or overwhelming and will require approximately 1 hour of time per month beginning in the second semester of your nursing program. An example includes attending a committee or council meeting (likely (虚拟),并使用已定义的汇报工具对会议进行汇报.

According to the CHW Nurse Scholars Program criteria, if you are first offered admission into either the KCON Traditional BSN or 加速第二学位BSN课程,但被授予延迟开始 日期由KCON BSN计划,你将自动放弃进入 护士学者计划,并需要重新申请 护士学者计划,当你开始KCON的学期 BSN program.

Page last modified May 29, 2024